These are lithographs I did as a student twenty years ago! (Plankton, Noah's Ark after reading "Not Wanted on the Voyage" and Wolstenbury - lying on top of the South Downs)
I unearthed the slides of them after a fascinating day last week at the Curwen Studio, near Cambridge with my friend Kate. We attended an "Archive Day" where we visited the lithographic print studio, were shown the process and heard the history of the studio from Master Printer Stanley Jones who has been involved with it for over fifty years. It was wonderful to hear about the different approaches of artists who have produced work there including Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, John Piper and Paula Rego.

"War Horse" by Kate Dicker
At this same time last year Kate was at the Curwen producing this beautiful lithograph after winning as a prize a day's access to the facilities and technical support. The piece is inspired by the moving and creatively produced play "War Horse" at the National theatre based on Micheal Morpungo's book. She still has some for sale on her website!